Case Study: Trevecca Center for Rehabilitation & Healing (August 2019)

Age: 57-years-old
Date of Admission: 07/25/19
Admitted From: Vanderbilt University Hospital
Discharge Date: 09/30/19
Discharge To: Home
Length of stay: 67 days
Reason for stay: Wound dehiscence

Details of experience:
Ms. Laura Walls was is a 57-year-old female who was admitted to Trevecca Center for Rehabilitation and Healing on July 25, 2019, after staying at Vanderbilt Hospital for wound dehiscence and disease of thyroid gland and H/O colon cancer. After being admitted to Trevecca, she was met by the admissions team, social workers, our therapy team, and our wound care team to asses her. She was also greeted and assessed by many other members of our wonderful Trevecca team to gather details about Ms. Walls to help ensure that she has a wonderful stay at Trevecca.

While at Vanderbilt, she was informed of the damage of her wound and that she would need extra care for her wound, and was suggested our center. Our wound care team is very well admired from hospitals, and this particular wound that they have helped treat doesn’t fall short of showing how well their team works. On arrival, Ms. Laura Walls wound measured 23.0 x 1.0 x 8.0 cm with 25% yellow necrosis and 75% red granulation tissue. On August 20, 2019, the new measurement was 17.5 x 3.7 x 4.6 cm, meaning her wound had decreased 91.5% in wound volume since she was admitted to our center.

Ms. Walls was also seen by our wonder physical and occupational therapy team. Ms. Walls was admitted to their team for review after the wound had healed a certain amount. Ms. Walls was soon walking 200 feet and up to four steps. She was able to get dressed with minimum assistance along with bathing. Ms. Walls was discharged from physical and occupational therapy on August 15, 2019.

Ms. Walls’s wound continues to improve weekly thanks to our wonderful wound care team. The therapy team helped Ms. Walls get back up and moving on her feet and she was quickly released from therapy. Thanks to our wonderful Trevecca team, Ms. Walls will be able to discharge and head home to her family on September 30, 2019. We wish her the best of luck and thank her greatly for choosing to heal with our team.