Case Study: Trevecca Center for Rehabilitation & Healing (March 2021)

Unilateral Below The Knee Amputee Rehabilitation and Peripheral Vascular Disease

Patient’s Age: 62
Admission Date: 9/22/20
Admitted From: Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville Tennessee
Discharge Date: N/A
Discharged To: N/A
Length of Stay: 221 Days
Reason for Stay: Peripheral Vascular Disease and BKA (Below Knee Amputation)

Details of experience:
Mr. R. Hall arrived at Trevecca Center for Rehabilitation & Healing on September 22nd, 2020, following an inpatient stay at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee. Mr. Hall had a history of Arterial Occlusion, which prevents blood flow to the artery. He was admitted to Vanderbilt after presenting with a cold and pale left leg. He underwent a procedure known as revascularization for re-routing and restoring blood flow to the affected area. Following the procedure, Mr. Hall lost a pulse in his right leg. Following multiple procedures and attempts to save his limb, Mr. Hall underwent a BKA (Below Knee Amputation) of his right leg on September 11th, 2020. Trevecca Center for Rehabilitation & Healing was determined to be the best facility to assist him in regaining his strength and independence through a skilled therapy program.

Upon arrival to Trevecca, Mr. Hall was greeted by a dedicated medical team. Initially, he reported that a surgical center had concluded he was not an appropriate candidate for a prosthetic; therefore, skilled nursing and therapy professionals attended to his most pressing clinical needs. Following discussion with the Trevecca Concierge regarding his desire to receive a prosthetic, Mr. Hall was provided an assessment by the excellent and highly skilled rehabilitation team to determine the possibility of a successful outcome with a prosthetic. Mr. Hall was given an additional evaluation with the Hanger Clinic, a prosthetic company that works closely with Trevecca. The Hanger representative determined that Mr. Hall was an excellent candidate for a prosthetic. The assessment was initiated immediately for measurements, casting of the prosthesis, and providing Mr. Hall with a new means of mobility!

The Trevecca Concierge reached out to the CareRite Amputee Training and Rehabilitation Program. CareRite has partnered with Todd Schaffhauser and Dennis Oehler, paralympic gold medalists who have helped over 20,000 amputees worldwide. Dennis and Todd conducted an initial Facetime conference call with Mr. Hall and will continue to mentor him through this life-changing process.

In the weeks following his initial assessment, Trevecca Physical Therapist/ Amputee Specialist Sonda McEver, and Physical Therapist Katie Sheppard began working on gait training exercises utilizing a variety of modalities, including moving and balance activities, strengthening exercises for his upper and lower extremities, hip extensions with stretch bands, wheelchair pushups, bicep curls with weights and resisted triceps extensions. To enhance his gait and balance, Mr. Hall has executed static standing and reaching exercises to challenge him outside of his base of support, hopping skills while advancing with his walker, hopping over low lying objects, and safe transfer from sitting to standing.

During his initial evaluation, Mr. Hall could hop utilizing his walker a very minimal distance of a few feet; however, presently, he is walking over 100 feet! Mr. Hall stated that the therapy team is incredible and has taught him skills he hadn’t thought were possible. He is grateful to have the team of Dennis and Todd to consult with through this process. Mr. Hall is scheduled to receive his new prosthetic leg in approximately two weeks.

The Trevecca family is honored to be a part of this process and looks forward to his continued success!