Patient’s Age: 76-years-old
Date of Admission: 10/13/20
Admitted From: Summit Medical Center
Discharge Date: 01/08/21
Discharged To: Home
Length of Stay: 88 days
Reason for stay: Cellulitis, Gout, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Wound Care
Details of experience:
Mr. Herbst arrived at Trevecca Center for Rehabilitation & Healing on October 13, 2020, following an inpatient stay at Summit Medical Center in Nashville Tennessee. Mr. Herbst had been admitted to the hospital as a result of complications with Cellulitis; which causes severe swelling and irritation under the skin, gout, and rheumatoid arthritis. Due to the high degree of pain from these conditions, and a total loss of functional mobility, Trevecca Rehabilitation was determined to be the best facility to assist him in regaining his strength, healing, mobility, and independence.
Upon arrival to Trevecca, Mr. Herbst was evaluated by a dedicated medical team that included Jessica Meurer, his Physical Therapist; Kinsey Day, Occupational Therapist; Sara Garner, Physical Therapist, and a wound care nurse, to address the wounds that were present on the heel area of both feet. He arrived in excruciating pain from the inflammation under his skin in both legs, idiopathic gout in his feet and hands, rheumatoid arthritis in his hands and legs, and wounds on both heels that included an abscess of the wound on his right heel.
Mr. Herbst’s first and second week of therapy focused primarily on decreasing his pain, through exercises designed to increase his bed mobility. He initially required 100% assistance from the therapist to adjust his position and sit on the edge of the bed for ten seconds. Gradually his tolerance levels increased allowing him to hold his position for 10 minutes, and execute stretching exercises utilizing a theraband to increase functional reaching tasks. Due to the pain associated with gripping items, Mr. Herbst was provided “built-up” or padded utensils for eating allowing him to eat independently. The wound care nurses cleaned and applied fresh dressings to the wounds on his heels one to two times each day for the first 15 days of his care.
The third and fourth week of therapy involved Mr. Herbst transferring from the bed to his wheelchair using a slide board to avoid pressure on his heels, but allowing him to practice wheelchair mobility. Each day through the sixth and seventh week of therapy brought greater mobility, as he was able to rise from a sitting position on his bed, stand and turn to move to his wheelchair utilizing a walker. Gradually, he was able to transfer unassisted using a walker propelling himself up and down the hallways, unassisted 250 feet!
Additionally, he experienced Trevecca’s first-class therapy gym, where he practiced higher level balancing activities of daily living, utilizing steps to simulate his home environment and preparing a grilled cheese sandwich in the therapy kitchen!
On January 13, 2021, Mr. Herbst was able to discharge from Trevecca and return home. He shared that the therapists and other medical staff are amazing at Trevecca, but ultimately the responsibility for your recovery falls on the patient’s shoulders by deciding to participate in the program. The therapists are there to guide and help you meet your goals.
Mr. Herbst drove back to Trevecca independently on Wednesday, January 27 2021 to receive his second COVID vaccination! The team wishes Mr. Herbst the very best of health and well-being on his continued life journey.